General Questions
Our mission is Preserving the Past – Creating the Future.
- Preserve the Biodiversity
- Revitalize local fiber production with farmers who are committed to regenerative agricultural practices
- Create a traceable supply chain for sustainable fashion industry in Indonesia
Brown cotton or Kapas Lowo was traced by historians along ancient trade routes from Chaco Canyon in New Mexico through Tunica Hills of north Louisiana and then down to Indonesia.
Kapas Lowo – Adalah varietas kapas dengan serat berwarna coklat alami yang ramah lingkungan. Tuban adalah tempat yang sangat unik dari segi budaya tekstil tradisionalnya. Hingga kini penenun di sini hanya memakai benang yang mereka pintal dari kapas Lowo yang mereka tanam sendiri.
Bemberg is the proprietary name for a cupro fabric made by Asahi Kasei, a Japanese manufacturer. cupro uses cotton linter. Cotton linter, the fuzz around the cottonseed, is a by-product of the production of cottonseed oil. Cupro fibers are also very fine so you can get a tighter weave. While many tightly woven fabrics are dense and not very breathable, the crystalline structure of cupro fibers leaves spaces between molecules through which water and air can flow. Breathability and moisture control go hand-in-hand. If a fabric isn’t breathable, moisture from your body will get trapped and you’ll feel sweaty.
The other advantage to a low friction coefficient is that Bemberg is anti-static. That’s because Bemberg naturally has high water content so the static electricity is discharged before it creates a clinging problem. Static electricity attracts pollen and dirt particles that will stick to your outer fabric.
Attacus Silk – The most valued wild-silk from Indonesia. Almost exclusively reared and produced in Banyumas, Indonesia. It is indigenous to the Banyumas Valley and the bank of Serayu riverside, assiduously practiced in the districts of Tumanggal. The moth is basically a wild moth. Hence it is categorised as Fagara Silk or Wild silk by the silk board of international Society For Wild Silkmoth(ISWSM).
The yarn produces is a natural rich light brown colour depending on the host plant it feeds on. These are unique products. Attacus silks resist sunshine and are more durable than mulberry silks. Its can be termed Organic as no harmful chemicals have been used in the cultivation of host trees or in the processing of silk fabrics. No dyes are applied to the yarns. The brown colour is its natural colour. Most Attacus rearing and cultivation is still done by village clusters in the traditional method.
Antih Tumanggal- adalah produksi benang pintal tangan atau hand-spun yarn yang tidak bisa diremehkan dan masih bisa bertahan hingga sekarang. Masyarakat pengrajin di desa Tumanggal, Pangadegan secara tradisi mengolah serat kapas pendek limbah pabrik kapas menjadi benang unik yang mampu berdaya saing tinggi.
Dengan alat sederhana namun teknik ketrampilan yang tinggi maka kontribusi ekonomi dari kegiatan “ngantih” ini mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan pengrajinnya. Ini adalah kontribusi nyata Melestarikan Masa Lalu – Menciptakan Masa Depan.
Other Questions
Our fashion line works to enable Indonesia’s creative ethnic handmade textile artisans to deliver their crafts to the world as an answer to the current fashion industry which is the second most polluting industry after oil and gas. The textile artisans we work with handmake every piece of textile using natural dyes and natural fibers